Meet Wendy (you’ll love her)

I look with pencil, pen and paints.

Drawing slows me down and invites me to pay closer attention. Sometimes I draw with an expectation of what I "think" I'm seeing.

I wonder how I make judgments of people in my life based off what I "think" I'm seeing?

"The moment I stopped looking for the story I expected to see, an entirely new and richer truth was revealed" (Wendy MacNaughton).

I trust truth to reveal herself to me. Truth's time table tries my patience, and so I draw and paint until the "right" time arrives.

A few years back I took Wendy's illustrations (the two little dudes above on the left) and drew them free hand. I allowed her style to mimic through my hands. In a quaint coffee shop, with my sketch book, it seemed natural to draw the person in front of me (the man in the blue shirt with his legs crossed).

What a great exercise! I was proud of my finished piece. "Create your own master class with another artist's work." That's the lesson I embodied that day.

Wendy MacNaughton, illustrator and graphic journalist, has been on my radar for years. I love her style, personality and powerful TED Talk from November 19, 2021.

When you have thirteen minutes, especially if you need art inspiration, I'm certain you'll find her TED Talk thoughtful and innovative.

Laura Davis says: "Possibly one of THE best talks I've seen lately. Thank you!"

"Speeches like this restore my hope in TED" (Noukz, YouTube comment).

I love Wendy's lettering style too.

Here's my rendition of her lettering.

Blessings on your mimicking this week. Have fun, don't steal and always give credit where it's due.

May you embrace mentors and trust mimics as you develop your voice.

Yours Bluely,



When you write by hand, do you print, or write in cursive? I'm doing research on the topic. What are your thoughts? Hit reply and let me know.

***The winner of the recent "I love my email subscribers lottery" has been selected and contacted by email. Congratulations Susan K.! Don't worry, if you didn't win, there's more coming your way!

Alexander Smith

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher: Spreading compassion, creativity, connection & calm!

Can’t get these out of my head…


My new art teacher Dina… I painted a quick portrait from our ZOOM class