(Valentine's Gift) Pay what you want and own one of my watercolours

My paintings are heckling at me since I returned from New York.

"Mister Blue," they whine, "we're sad and lonely."

I tilt my head as feelings sting and rise: "How could they?"

"We need space -- a change of scenery!"

After all I've given you! I brought you into this world. I hold my tongue, practice, listen and tuck my tears behind my glasses.

"We are ready to experience the world."

Sniffle, sniff, sniff...

It feels a little like Harvey Rose telling me a couple weeks ago:

"I need space Uncle Blue."

"I'm not talking to you."

"Don't look at me."

"I'm growing up Uncle Blue."

Please don't grow up Harvey Rose, stay our baby girl forever! This is where I loooooove to demonstrate how we wrapped her up, super tight, in her blanket, arms and all -- like a burrito.

"Uncle Blue (she giggles and screams) I need to grow up."

It's quiet. I honor the love, connection and changing seasons.

She suddenly gasps with joy and invites me into her mind: "Uncle Blue I'm going to be 5 on November 5... this year."

In the spirit of Valentine's Day and my love for you -- trusted soul siblings, email subscribers, and The (original) House of Blue -- I have a proposition.

My gallery show has available pieces for purchase.

Life is short and these original watercolours deserve new homes. They are longing to be out in the world, not in a folder on my desk.

They are begging to be yours, not mine.

I would love for you to own a piece of my art, especially if one speaks to you.

It's a way to say thank you for being in my corner of the internet.

Valentine's Offering
Pay What You Can + $19 shipping (within the U.S.)

It's super simple.

  1. Explore available pieces. Choose one that speaks to your heart.

  2. Hit reply to this email, text me, or submit a form at my website. Include the name of the piece + your price. For example: Moody Blues $67.

  3. I'll create a unique product link and send it back to you.

  4. You can make the purchase at my website site, through this unique link, before Saturday February 18. At checkout you''ll add the $19 for shipping. (If you're outside the US, shipping is a little higher at $30).


Do you want to work together in a small group?

It's called A Midwinter's Wise Circle.

Seats are limited and the magic begins Saturday, February 25 at 9AM PT.

We'll launch from the roots of Winter, into Spring, with intention and community. Together. In sacred circle. For five weeks.

I recorded a 7 minute video with all the cozy cashmere details.

"If nothing falls away, there will be no room or energy for the new, the transformational, the life-giving renewal of spirit (Adyashanti)."


We'll meet for 5 Saturdays, February 25 through March 25.
9AM PT - 10:30AM PT

Tuition for the five weeks will be $300.

Here's what's included with tuition.

5 Wise Circles X 90 Minutes

Saturdays 9-10:30AM PT for 90 minutes.

  • February 25

  • March 4

  • March 11

  • March 18

  • March 25

5 X Practice Labs (Prerecorded Videos)
30 minute weekly practice videos. Every Wednesday.

5 X Guided Meditations
Weekly guided meditations available every Sunday.

6 X Yoga Classes (Pre-Recorded Videos)
During our movement practice week you'll get access to 6 unique yoga classes presented by Kenny, Sherri & Ali from SoulFULL Solutions NYC.

3 X Pop-Up Meditation Sessions

We'll meet in real time on ZOOM and meditate together for 20 minutes during our meditation practice week

Think of it as therapeutic mentoring (group therapy reimagined without the patriarchy and authoritative vibe).

  • Wise & Active Listening

  • Wise Listening

  • Thoughtful Reflecting

  • Collaborative Strategizing

  • Possibility Exploration

Writing, Meditation, Movement, Creativity, Music & Sketchbook Practices

Enroll Now β†’

Do you have questions?

Do you want to hop on a 20 minute "coffee talk" exploration call?

I'm giving you access to my private calendar to schedule a call.

I would be honored to launch into Spring together.

Yours Bluely,

Alexander Smith

Alexander Smith

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher: Spreading compassion, creativity, connection & calm!


Ideas like seeds, now look!


Here’s to the β€œwithered branch!”