World Earth Day: You’ve Got To See This

Dear Soul-Sibling,

Did you connect with a tiny aspect of Earth today?

The entry point to celebrate, and help Mother Earth, often overwhelms our our ability to make the connection.

What if we gently allow Her to enchant us in small ways daily?

Upon finishing Katherine May's new book 'Enchantment' today I notice a favorable invitation:

“We don’t preserve our natural landscapes by turning them into a museum. We heal these rifts by inviting back gentleness into our relationship with the earth, by allowing meaning to take hold again. We should encourage enchantment to bolt like a weed. It is, after all, native here. The stones, and the dried-out heather, and the sound of the sea, and the moon above our heads have all been storing it like a battery, waiting for its current to be found again.”

May you find meaning and time with Mother Earth this season.

The road to Joshua Tree is in full yellow bloom!

From the desert floor I'm sending you a bit of yellow courage to flower this Spring.

Yours Bluely,


Alexander Smith

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher: Spreading compassion, creativity, connection & calm!

What do you have in common with a poppy?


Poppy Envy