Daily Suggestions
and Mantras of Spirit

Short phrases that invite you into this moment. Fall into your own being or presence. Even into silence or stillness. You’re welcome to sit, or make this a moving meditation. Carry me with you as you gently walk.

Daily Suggestions and Mantras of Spirit!
Viral Mindfulness Invitations (VMI’s)

Tape them on your walls, doors and mirrors. Bump into them often
and use as mindfulness invitations to drop into your presence.

Instead of directing your experience
to what you want to be experiencing,
be receptive to what you are experiencing.

Give yourself to your own depth.

What wants to sprout from silence today?
For me and others around me.

Drop into your deepest sense of presence.

Notice and allow judgements, reactions, or resistance
that arise towards yourself and/or others.

Stay open.

Ask questions.

Look for answers which inspire other questions.

There is no answer, only a process.

I can learn.

Be silent daily.

What would it be like to hold integrity
with a deeper, wider or higher peace right now?

Begin again.

Trust yourself, you know what to do next.

Practice is important (not perfection or progress).

Welcome unexpected directions and shapes in your life.

I see vistas of shape, colour and possibility.

Life has a circular nature.

I befriend the dark.

I will let my soul find me.

As my soul awakens my destiny comes
to meet me in a new and adventurous way.